microbe lift golf
Microbe Lift Golf
Microbe Lift Golf

Microbe Lift Golf has been specially formulated for lagoons, golf course ponds and larger ponds in general.

Microbe Lift Golf is easy to apply, environmentally friendly and creates a healthy pond environment. Microbe Lift Golf also reduces the biological oxygen demand and improves dissolved oxygen levels.

Microbe Lift Golf is safe for all wildlife both in and around the pond and is safe for all fish and aquatic life.

Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles

Microbe Lift Golf Product Features:

  • Easy to apply
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Breaks down organic sludge
  • Creates a healthy pond environment
  • Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles
  • Reduces biological oxygen demand (BOD)
  • Improves dissolved oxygen levels
  • Safe for all wildlife in and around your pond
  • Safe for fish and plants
  • Breaks down dead algea
  • Reduces most noxious odours including hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell)
  • Reduces build-up of wildlife faecal matter and fish feed
Microbe Lift Golf

Microbe Lift Golf has been specially formulated for lagoons, golf course ponds and larger ponds in general.

Microbe Lift Golf is easy to apply, environmentally friendly and creates a healthy pond environment. Microbe Lift Golf also reduces the biological oxygen demand and improves dissolved oxygen levels.

Microbe Lift Golf is safe for all wildlife both in and around the pond and is safe for all fish and aquatic life.

Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles

Microbe Lift Golf Product Features:

  • Easy to apply
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Breaks down organic sludge
  • Creates a healthy pond environment
  • Contains photosynthetic bacteria which reduces cloudy water by promoting flocculation and settling of organic and inorganic particles
  • Reduces biological oxygen demand (BOD)
  • Improves dissolved oxygen levels
  • Safe for all wildlife in and around your pond
  • Safe for fish and plants
  • Breaks down dead algea
  • Reduces most noxious odours including hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg smell)
  • Reduces build-up of wildlife faecal matter and fish feed
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