In this category you will find a superb selection of double union ball valves, including the newly released 1 Inch double union ball valve (Orange Handle) that is threaded on each end for those more complex jobs.

The new rage of ERA double union ball valves provide the best competitively priced ball valve on the market at the moment and the range of blue handled ball valves which are smaller in size than most competitor valves also make a very good choice especially if space is limited.

These double union ball valves are ideal for use as purge valves, waste valves, and control valves and are all designed for compatibility with our full range of Class E pressure pipe and fittings. They will always be the better choice over slide valves for holding back your pond's water,  and are ideal for isolating pumps, UV's, heaters etc by simply installing one each side of what you wish to isolate.

The X-Clear 63 mm three way ball valve can be used for a multitude of functions, splitting returns, diverting water from retrurns to water features, the choice is yours.


Always use a ball valve where water from the pond goes directly to waste, for instance on a purge systems.

Ball Valves