Class E Pressure Fittings

In this category you will find a vast array of Class E pressure fittings for use with Class E pressure pipe.

We cannot stress enough the importance of using the best products available when building your pond. The Class E pressure fittings are stonger than other types of fittings and are available in more types and sizes than any other form of fittings for pipework.

Class E pressure fittings also fit the majority of filters, pumps, UV's, heaters etc that you are likely to install on your pond. The fittings may be slightly more expensive than lower quality ones but everything you buy can be fitted together as they are all designed to match the sizes required such as bottom drains, flexible rubber fittings, Valterra slide valves and ball valves. They all fit exactly the pressure pipe that these fittings were designed to be used with.

Sorting out the pipework and fittings required can be a little confusing if you are new to the hobby or have not used these in the past. That's where we come in; if unsure about anything then please get in touch and we will be happy to help.


Class E Pressure Fittings